Huntington lake really showed off her beauty this year. A big snow year left spectactular views of snow-capped mountains set in the back drop of the Sierra National Forest, with crystal clear cold water only the bravest dared to enjoy.
Picture perfect
Thirteen boats made it out this year, all stacked with great crew. While reliable breeze filled in each day, it was anything but typical Huntington tactics.
Going right on 2nd row start paid this year!
Firefly had quite the adventure before the regatta even started: with my rig down on deck, an hour before i was supposed to leave RYC to head to Huntington, I removed my battery and set it on the deck as a helpful hand walked by and offered to help throw sails up to me. I of course accepted and as I stacked the sails on the deck I noticed a smell of plastic. As I put the sails below I saw the problem: a couple of shrouds had come in contact with the battery terminals; burn marks as well and parted strands all over my rigging! I removed the shrouds from the battery and quickly removed all my standing rigging to get it replaced. ( Thank you Easom Rigging and Racing ) lesson learned I set out for Huntington. Editor note: the countless adventure/drama stories around getting to Roadmasters events are just part of the deal
Day one gave us breeze out from the left. Conventional wisdom had most of the fleet headed to the boy scout camp off the starting line and making their way up the shore line. We found favorable breeze going mostly up the middle and down wind, you guessed it, mostly down the middle. We were off to a great start the first race until after the weather mark we headed to the wrong downwind mark do to someone printing out the wrong coures sheet! My Bad… We turned around and finish the course properly and took 13th. sometimes its good to get that out of the way i guess.
Banditos absolutely sent it the first two races with two bullets. Moorgasm and Immooral as well as Gruntled also had a great day and it was quite obvious that everyone wanted to take a win at this year’s regatta. The night was filled with great conversation about the day and great food. Simon Winer on Gruntled said something interesting to me after the day concluded witch was ‘ if you have experience here it seems to be a handicap this year ‘ I agreed and think its part of what made it a good day out for us.
Banditos & Lowly worm
Day two the starts were getting pretty intense as everyone wanted to make a good showing. Breeze was a bit more from the right and the Committee end was quite crowded with the docks 25 feet away from the committee mark, making things a little more interesting. Again the middle seemed to work out the best for us, while really studying the puffs to see if we were going to tack or carry on. The RC picked a short course for the first race and a longer for the second with reaching marks. A bit of the tour of Huntington. Lowly Worm and Mooregasm really seemed to have speed and sailed well.
We were delighted to have sailed the way we wanted to, and come out with the victory. The fleet is full of truly talented sailors only surpassed by their great character. In the fleet it can be anybody’s day. The four ties at the end of the regatta is a testament to that.
-Joel Turmel, Firefly
Kites & Mountains
The Firefly crew
Front of the pack
Mooretician & Immoral
Huntington cheerleader extraordinaire Sydnie Moore
117 snazzy Ullman #1
Last NorCal race for San-Diego-bound 137
119 in the fray
Gruntled demonstrates proper tacking
Snafu & Wet Spot marching
Big tree camping
Ferry shenanigans