10 min - Special thank you’s, special mentions 

Scott Nelson’s performance in DHL
Erkelens performance in Ditch after the crazy keel job
Coastal Cup Karl & Steve
Rookie of the year (117, Mooresarati, Nick Dugdale)
Lester Robertson 

20 min - Awards

5th, Lowly Worm 2.0, Scott Nelson
4th, Immoral, John Gray
3rd: Firefly, Joel Turmel
2nd Mooretician, Peter Schoen
1st Banditos, John Kernot 

15 min- Constitutional amendments discussion / vote

 Cheat sheet for regatta leads to set up races the way the Moore fleet likes them. Ideas welcome. Review existing document 

20 min - Changes for 2020:

          Read handout (4 minutes)

Introducing regional events - other Why’s:

- make it possible for folks that can't make it to all RM events to have a shot at competing, by racing events in their local region 
- draw awareness to regional events of significance (RTTS, DD)
- bring the fleets together by having scores for those events shown on the RM series scoring
- make space for events that fail to make the cut for RM but would make great regional events (Spring Keel, Resin Regatta)

- It is the equivalent of 8 races with one (2-day) throwout (vs last year’s 7 w/one throwout), plus the addition of regional events to supplement.


20 min- 2020 officers election

Officers: Nominations?

President: Joel Turmel
Vice President: Peter Schoen
Treasurer: John Siegel?

Fleet Captain SF: 
Fleet Captain SC: Karen Loutzenheiser
Fleet Captain Seattle: Joe Greiser

SF Measurer: Bart Hackworth?
SC Measurer: Scott Sorensen?
Seattle Measurer: Joe Greiser?

Fleet Liaison Hood River: Dave Gee?

Technical Committee: (leave unchanged?)

Peter Schoen
Bart Hackworth
Mike O'Callaghan
Kathryn Meyer
Morgan Larson 

5 min - Financials report. We have a mast!

5 min - IT review Slack overview, website overview

10min - Volunteer matrix signup. Stickers! Black, white, $1.50 each and free if you’re a volunteer

2 min - Membership renewal reminder  
